6 Best Beginner Yoga DVDs 2025

Before you make the leap into joining your local yoga class, a DVD is a must-have. This is especially the case if you don’t have the time to attend many different classes.

While having a great instructional program is obvious, it isn’t so straightforward which options are the best for beginners. Many of the DVDs available will claim that they are great for beginners but are either too simple or much too advanced.

To assist buyers in making the right choice from the huge range of the best beginner yoga DVD options, we have collected together the top available products. We have also provided some great tips on making an informed decision between these DVDs.

Questions to Think About

Before you make the choice between all of the DVD options, you should carefully consider the following questions.

  • Is It for a Future Class? If you have a specific class in mind, then it is important to match the DVD to the specific type or style of yoga that you will be pursuing in the future.
  • Is the DVD part of a set? It can be frustrating to love a yoga DVD’s style and then it only be a one-time program. You can avoid this by opting for the yoga DVDs that come with a set.
  • Do You Need an Instructor? There are two main styles of beginner yoga DVDs. The first is where there is an instructor present in the video that provides direction and the other is one where you simply copy the moves of a person performing the yoga positions. The first is better for more rigorous yoga routines and the latter is for relaxation.

Top 6 Beginner Yoga DVDs Chart

PictureNameLengthPriceRating (1-5)
Rating (1-5)
1. Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga for Beginners 2 x 30 minute programs. $4.6
2. Jane Fonda: AM/PM Yoga For Beginners 70 minute program. $4.4
3. Kundalini Yoga for Beginners & Beyond 2 x 25 minute programs. $$$4.4
4. Rodney Yee's Yoga for Beginners 1 x 15 and 1 x 20 minute program. $$4.3
5. Yoga For Beginners 240 minutes.$$4.2
6. Yoga for Beginners & Beyond 40+ programs ranging from 15-60 minutes. $$$$4.1

Beginners Yoga DVD Focuses on Your Needs

There is a whole range of reasons that you would be looking for a yoga video and this should be carefully thought about before opting for a single DVD.

Here are some of the most common reasons that people are looking for beginner yoga DVDs and exactly what to look for in these routines:

  • Weight Loss. This is one of the most common reasons that people search for the best beginner yoga DVD. It should be remembered, however, that not all DVD options provide the vigorous exercise needed for weight loss and this should be the main focus.
  • Boost Energy. If you are looking to inject some energy and positivity into your daily routine then you should focus on a DVD with a great instructor. Having someone guide you through the yoga poses professionally and enthusiastically will make the whole experience much more enjoyable.
  • Muscle Recovery. One of the most underestimated uses of yoga is its ability to stretch If this is what you would like from the DVD you should focus on slow movements and a program that develops the correct positioning.
  • Peace and Harmony. As one of the original uses for yoga, this is a great reason to buy a DVD. Choose one that has a calming focus, the description should also mention clearing your mind.

Top 3 Best Beginner Yoga DVD Reviews

1. Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga

Element: Hatha & Flow has the perfect combination of different varieties of the poses depending on level as well as the overall relaxed pace of the movements. The instructor, Tamal, makes the class repetitive yet challenging.

One of the most appealing aspects of this DVD is the fact that Tamal uses very descriptive language and the Sanskrit names for the poses, making them easier to follow. There aren’t enough good things to say about Tamal and the way he instructs throughout each workout.

The different sessions are definitely nice to have too with the Hatha one being more focused on repetition and relaxation and the Flow session being more vigorous.

2. Jane Fonda: AM/PM Yoga

Jane Fonda is obviously a dynamic instructor as she has been making workout videos for years. This is something that she maintains teaching yoga in the Jane Fonda: AM/PM yoga DVD.

The instructions throughout the exercises are clear and come from a warm and friendly instructor that will make you feel calm but also like you are accomplishing something good for your body.

One of the things that makes this the best beginner yoga DVD is the fact that there are always women accompanying Jane Fonda, with one showing modifications.

3. Kundalini Yoga for Beginners & Beyond

The Kundalini Yoga for Beginners & Beyond is led by a real yoga master with many years of experience rather than just the face of a company or celebrity. This makes the entire experience feel more authentic.

Using this DVD is better than using others as it does not require any added props at all. This along with the fact that there are short sets for those that want a quick workout or that cannot carry on past 30 minutes also makes this DVD more convenient.

There is no excessive talking either, just straightforward instructions and details from the masters to help you stretch and relax.

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