6 Best Electric Skateboards 2025

As electric skateboards are becoming more and more popular, there are an increasing number of available options.

The idea of being able to hop onto a board and traverse distances with ease is highly attractive but spending a great deal of time researching each board is not.

To make the search for your ideal board much easier, we have collected together the top models available on the market and all the information you need to choose the right one for you.

Things to Think About

Before you look at all of the best electric skateboard options, it is important to keep the following points in mind.

  • Range. How much range you need depends entirely on which situations you will be using the board.

If you are looking at just playing around on the board and never being too far from a power source, then you don’t need to worry about the range. For those that are looking to commute, then range is one of the most crucial factors.

    • Tip – Remember that the range varies greatly depending on the weight of the rider, various inclines, and the surface that the board is on.
  • Performance. Buyers of electric skateboards often forget that they are still skateboards. Check the board, the trucks and the wheels, just as you would if you were buying a non-electric model.
  • Speed. We have included in our list the top speed on the boards. There some main points to remember if opting for a board with a higher speed setting.
    • The faster you go, the quicker the battery will drain,
    • Several boards will have multiple options for the top speed,
    • 22 mph. doesn’t sound too quick, until you are standing on a board that is propelling itself.\

Top 6 Electric Skateboards Table

PictureNameTop SpeedPriceRating (1-5)
Top Speed
Rating (1-5)
1. Boosted Dual+ 2000W Electric Skateboard 22 mph$$$$4.7
2. Razor RipStik Electric Caster Board 10 mph$4.5
3. Dynacraft Surge Electric Skateboard 6 mph$4.3
4. Yuneec E-GO2 Electric Longboard Skateboard 12.5 mph$$4.0
5. Yuneec YUNEGOCR001 E-Go Cruiser Electric Skateboard 12 mph$$$3.5
6. Altered Fantom.1 12-Volt Electric Skateboard with Wireless Remote 10 mph$3.5

The Most Important Part of an Electric Skateboard

One of the most overlooked aspects of an electric skateboard is the weight. It often comes as a surprise to users that they would need to consider this at all, especially as the board does all of the work. It is, however, one of the key factors to getting the most out of your electric skateboard.

Here are the reasons why you should always consider the weight of the board:

  • Heavier boards will not have a great range,
  • Usually, the heavier the board the longer it will be and this can cause issues with steering,
  • If you run out of battery power miles from home, you will want to know that the board is light enough that you can self-propel it the distance or if you should immediately call a taxi.

Top 3 Best Electric Skateboard Reviews

1. Boosted Dual+ 2000W Electric Skateboard

The Boosted Dual+ makes it so easy to learn how to use an electric skateboard and make the adjustments to power and speed levels based on your skill. Braking at the bottom of a hill or getting an added boost when trying to go up one are all super easy with this board.

Aside from the appeal of the electric feature, this board is otherwise incredibly high-quality. It carves like a snowboard and has been made with only the best materials too.

This whole board making the experience of riding more enjoyable. It takes out some of the work without completely eliminating the thrills of a traditional skateboard.

2. Razor RipStik Electric Caster Board

If you are looking to go to the next level of skateboarding or are looking to just try something new, then the Razor RipStik Caster Board is an impressive electric skateboard to grab your attention.

This skateboard will help you accelerate and brake with ease. This gives you more control over the already flexible board. The run time with the rechargeable battery is between 30-40 minutes, which is a good amount of time to cruise on your new board.

This is a much easier board to use than ones that have a similar design but do not have the electric support.

3. Dynacraft Surge Electric Skateboard

The Dynacraft Surge board is great when you want to get a little extra boost from your board. The electric aspect will help you reach up to 6 miles per hour, which is why a helmet and kneepads are definitely needed for beginners.

This board can hold up to 145lbs so it is for smaller riders or children. The design and the build of this model are incredibly high quality and will get the attention of other skaters as you go past.

The affordable price is something that should also be considered as the best electric skateboard will set you back double if not triple the cost of this board.

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