6 Best Kettlebell Workout DVDs 2025

Whether it is your first time using a kettlebell in a full workout or you are looking to develop your skills, an instructional DVD is the best way to go. Choosing between the hundreds of available DVDs can seem almost impossible.

It is difficult to tell whether the instructor knows exactly what they are doing with a kettlebell. Even if they are a successful fitness instructor, using a kettlebell is a whole other level of training.

Here is a useful list of some of the best kettlebell workout DVD options. The lengths of the discs are included so you can see exactly how much of a workout you are getting for the price.

Five Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Celebrity. Many workout DVDs will use a famous face to attract buyers. Make sure you look past this marketing ploy. Some with celebrities are excellent and others are not.
  1. Length. Usually customers will look at the price of the DVD and not the length. Sometimes a DVD can seem expensive but end up being a bargain due to the amount of instruction included.
  1. Level. It is very important to see if the DVD is for beginners, intermediate or advanced levels. Getting the wrong level can be a nightmare for your workout routine and even cause injury.
  1. Amateur Reviews. Seek out professional reviews of the DVD. Although a beginner might mean well they won’t always be able to properly judge the usefulness of the workout. They can often point you towards something other than a good kettlebell workout DVD.
  1. Kettlebell Focus. Just because a kettlebell is on the cover doesn’t mean that it features throughout the workout.

Top 6 Kettlebell Workout DVDs Ultimate Chart

PictureNameRun TimePriceRating (1-5)
Run Time
Rating (1-5)
1. Kettlebell Kickboxing: Scorcher Series8 Discs – 150 Minutes$$$$4.6
2. Jillian Michaels: Shred-It With Weights1 Disc – 60 Minutes$$4.4
3. Iron Core Kettlebell4 Discs – 190 Minutes$4.3
5. Absolute Beginners: Kettlebell 3 in 1 With Amy Bento1 Disc – 60 Minutes$$4.3
6. Bob Harper: Kettlebell Sculpted Body1 Disc – 50 Minutes$$$4.2

Checking the Lengths Carefully

Even though the lengths of the DVDs have been listed here, it is still crucial to check. Reviews will often mention how much of the time is filled with useful workout routines. Often, lower quality DVDs will have a lot of filler in the form of introductory talking and discussing the benefits of the workout, which is certainly not the case for the best kettlebell workout DVD options.

Matching Your Kettlebell

  • Beginners. Wait to purchase your kettlebell until after you have bought a workout DVD. High-quality DVDs will include useful tips on choosing the right style and weight for your specific needs.
  • Intermediate and Advanced. If you are looking to improve your workout then make sure to match the DVD to the kettlebell you already own. Having the right equipment means you will get the most out of the routine.

Top 3 Best Kettlebell Workout DVD Reviews

1. Kettlebell Kickboxing: Scorcher Series

For all of those who have heard of Dasha Libin’s training classes and her workouts will know that this DVD is serious. Dasha is famous for leaving her class more exhausted than they have ever been before but buzzing from the workout, she has managed to translate this effect over into DVD form.

The biggest reason to choose this DVD collection is the sheer amount of workout routines that are included using your kettlebell. The workouts are set out in short sets with each move being repeated for one minute. For beginners, Dasha breaks down the moves so they are each to follow.

At the end of each of the four sessions you will be drenched in sweat and know exactly why this is the number one kettlebell workout DVD.

2. Jillian Michaels: Shred-It With Weights

For all of those Jillian Michaels fans, you will certainly have heard the fitness trainer praising the use of kettlebells in her workouts. This DVD is Jillian’s ideal workout all rolled into one.

For beginners, and even for more intermediate kettlebell users, the instructional section of Shred-It With Weights is extremely useful. It will give you great tips on positioning, holding the kettlebell correctly as well as having full control.

Each workout is demonstrated with two extra trainers, apart from Jillian, one who uses a kettlebell and the other simplifies the actions whilst using a dumbbell. This makes it possible to work your way up to using a kettlebell if you are not completely comfortable yet.

Each workout is around 25-30 minutes including warm-up and cool-down. The DVD contains two kettlebell workouts, Level 1 and 2. There is large difference between the two in terms of difficulty, which means Shred-It With Weights will be a favorite of both beginners and more advanced kettlebell users.

3. Iron Core Kettlebell

The first two DVDs in this four part set are instructional and this is where you will find the talents of Sarah Lurie are particularly helpful. This trainer knows exactly the kind of information that both beginners and more experienced kettlebell users need. Sarah’s style is very straightforward and tells you exactly what needs to be done. Each exercise is also very clearly demonstrated.

The third DVD is a Boot Camp styled challenging workout that will add an edge to your work out. For the final challenge there are two workouts on the fourth disc, Iron Core Warrior I and II. This is where you will see the true value in this DVD set. With a clustered set form of 5 minutes on with 1 minute rests you will fall into the perfect rhythm for a kettlebell workout.

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